Adding yourself to the member's directory is optional (and not automatic) so you'll need to take a few extra steps:
Go to your profile picture in the upper right hand corner.
Select SETTINGS from dropdown.
Profile Settings
Scroll down to Profile SettingsÂ
Set NotificationsÂ
Set your time zone
Select from the Set Notifications
Change profile photo by selecting Change Avatar
Upload a photo
Please Note: Once you upload the photo, please scroll back up the page and select “SAVE”.
We have found this functionality can be fussy, so if you image doesn’t save the first time, please try again (remembering to hit SAVE right after you upload it).
Social ProfileÂ
Scroll down to Social Profile
You can add a short bio, your location (city, state, country), and your social media handles.
Share Profile on Members Directory
If you’d like to share your profile details publicly, select “I agree to share your profile information with other members on this site”.
Please Note: Your email address is not made public and no other member has the ability to contact you directly via email. If you choose to share your social media handles, they will be public.